dic 28 2011

I’ve been wearing the same underwear and bra now for 21 days. I wash them every night in my sink with its rusty plug hole and no plug. When I arrived in Juba at the beginning of December, my luggage didn’t arrive with me. And there’s been no sign of it since. ‘Handle-able,’ my friend, Mel, a seasoned aid worker said, when I mentioned it to her. But I must admit I’ve been struggling to cope. It’s not just the [...]

dic 7 2011

You know, I’m not a cream puff. I’ve worked in newsrooms so aggressive, I figuratively donned armour every morning before going to work. As an independent producer, I hustled stories to national broadcasters and chased them for payment. I’ve lived in bed-bug and mould-ridden apartments, keeping costs low, so I could make a documentary. But I have a feeling Juba is going to test my limits and I’ve only been here a day. At the airport – a crowded chaotic [...]

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